
How SteadyCare outshines traditional monitoring options

Check out this comparison chart to see how SteadyCare stacks up against traditional check-in monitoring options. With a range of capabilities and state-of-the-art technology, SteadyCare is the clear choice for anyone looking to ensure the safety and well-being of those in their care.

Utilizing your supervisors for spot checks of different homes only allows you to monitor certain locations at one time. Check-In Plus gives you the ability to make sure your staff is present and awake across all locations . Although spot checks are important, and often used for several reasons, you can work smarter by letting the SteadyCare Check-In Plus platform guide you to which locations are most in need of spot checks.

Working with voicemails or faxes as a solution to monitor that your staff are on site doesn’t give you real time insights, and adds an administrative headache to your agency’s already busy workload.